Friday, June 26, 2009

Parties get lame after about 5 years

People started using MySpace. Then it got clogged with spammers and add-happy users who wanted to increase their friend count. People who truly wanted to social network online moved to facebook. Then facebook got adds, and while there is little commercially induced spam, the constant self-promotion has forced those who are truly reaching out for synergy to move to yet another social networking site: twitter. Twenty years from now, I wonder if the same people will just keep drifting from one social networking site to the next as each becomes corrupted. This will mean connections must be made anew and it kind of resets the hierarchy every time we move. There will, of course, always be change ups with those who remain stuck on a slowly diminishing website and those who jump fresh into social networking online for the first time using the current site.

There should be a name for this phenomenon. I predict once there's a name for it, articles will start to be written about it. Then Apple will come up with a brilliant app to transfer connections between networking sites. Then networking sites will get even more creative and beat the app so you can't do that. Then a new job field will spring up calling for creators of social networking sites which will hire a ton of people to create a bunch of sites, and then lay a bunch of them off because they only need a few people to maintain the massive sites that have grown.

We are the true networkers. We travel from site to site, seeking connection and productivity first and entertainment second. We find havens here and there for half a decade before moving on. The advertising paparazzi follows us around, always conveniently 5 years behind.

In a sense, we are destroying the sites that we love with nuclear fall outs of spam and ads. Once the PR people find it because they want to reach out to us, it will be tainted forever. But the good news is we can constantly create new worlds, resetting the social hierarchies every 5 years. This means if I get rejected by an agent over twitter now, 5 years from now I might get accepted by that same agent on the future networking site, but neither of us will know this happened because we will both have different screen names and probably different IP addresses (unless we both use Macs, of course).

So here's to all my twitter friends, who I talk with regularly, who I used to talk with on facebook, who I used to see on myspace. Once these electronic sidewalks get crowded and we move to other places where we can bump into people, I will see you again in 5 years and I look forward to meeting you at the new alpha site again for the first time. Sorry if you don't make it. I would really have liked to see that other screen name of yours. You know, the one you only bring out once you realize you only have to live with it for 5 years. I personally am going to have my next half-decade identity be PrincessoftheAmazon. I think I can live with all the hits I get from misdirected jungle dwellers and book buyers for half a decade, especially if they're nice and have lived former lives on twitter alongside me.

All social networking sites have a half life, my friends. Don't get stuck as a worm next time around! Build up your karma personality and typing skills and for goodness' sake, weed out all the stuff that makes you sound like a moron. The force of the internet does not look kindly on rebirthing people who will kill the new network with their stupidity more quickly than an add for genital wart cures appearing next to posts about rainbows and puppies.

Drift on, true connectors. Drift on.

Side note: If two people who God made to be together are lucky enough to find each other, what happens if one of them gets stuck on myspace while the other one moves to twitter?

Other side note: I laugh when I see movies and tv shows trying to act current and cool by talking about social networking sites or incorporating them into a crime somehow. It's so obvious they're not trying to bring us entertainment by being relevant to our lives. They're desperately trying to fool us into thinking they are up with the times. It's so cheesy, it works. Every time the chief of whatever-law-enforcement-guild strolls onto the screen shooting personality out his butt and asks, "What's a blog?" (actually, they will probably name a social networking site from three cycles ago that no one uses anymore) and its supposed to be funny that the old guy isn't up with the times, I am entertained by it. I clap and say "Excellent metaphor for yourself, tv show. I'm surprised you're that self-aware." Of course, this is mean of me. I don't really want them to be up with the times because then networking sites would only last one to two years instead of five. But I still enjoy laughing at them because they are not.

And the metaphor that got me started on all this:

Using the word 'post' to describe new information that appears on a website. Kind of interesting to think that long ago, it meant to actually tack a piece of paper to a hitching post or the post of a saloon, etc. Using already existing objects that have a purpose to convey information. Fascinating to think of that as a metaphor for our electronic posts today.

MDA: I used several metaphors in this post without even trying (well, I sort of tried. I like metaphors). Pick your favorite and turn it into an extended metaphor.

Note: an extended metaphor is a metaphor that is not contained or explained in one sentence, but more like a paragraph or two. They're usually used to slow the reader down and make them focus on the metaphor to get it through their thick skulls that the tenure and vehicle are really, REALLY alike.

Or just write an extended metaphor on your own. You don't have to use mine.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Working hard and hardly working


Been busy writing so haven't had much time to post here. After the JuJu challenge I'd like to say I'll have more time to post but to be honest, I kind of hope this writing grove stays with me.

JuJu is a personal challenge inspired by some bloggers and writers I know. My goal, abstractly is to write a significant amount during June and July. More concretely, I'd like to at least write 42,000 by the end of this two month span. 60,000 would be better and I would be satisfied at that. I would be ecstatically happy if I could reach 100,000, meaning 50,000 in each month, just like NaNoWriMo, but I'm going to take it one day at a time, and shoot for 1,000 words per day.

I've been listening to a podcast novel lately by J.C. Hutchins titled "Seventh Son" (you can find it on and he uses a lot of metaphors to add to his descriptions. The whole book is like listening to poetry. At times it's a little heavy, and other times it draws me right in.

When you write, do you use metaphors a lot? What do you use them for? Do you think they can be used too much?

The assignment today is to come up with a metaphor and use it in your writing, then tell me how you used it. And if you want to, why you used it.

For example, this is one I used this past week as a description which also indicates to the reader the character's attitude toward the place:
[The psychiatric hospital's] long corridors stood with open doors looking like mouths or catacombs. He couldn’t decide which.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I waited to post these meters for my WIP (Work in Progress) until I actually had a substantial amount of words to update it with. :)
Makes me feel more important.
Hope you enjoy them! I'm a little obsessed with progress bars.

There are so many metaphors for writing out there. Do you have a favorite?

This is one of mine: Writing is like performing open-heart surgery on yourself. You usually don't feel a thing, but it still seems like your entire life depends on it. Your heart becomes a part of your work and then you have to operate on it...very fix all the problems and make it just right.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dead Metaphors

Ok, I really like that I get to call them dead metaphors. It just sounds cool.

There are two aspects to a dead metaphor:

1. A dead metaphor can be a metaphor in which the speaker and probably most of the listeners/readers no longer know its meaning.

Example: He dialed her phone number.

This is not a true example, since most of us know what it used to mean to dial a phone. Even though we no longer use dials to call someone, the phrase occassional still pops up. In order for this example to become a dead metaphor, it would take, say, a couple generations down the road when all but a few odd people have forgotten where the phrase comes from.

2. Another type of dead metaphor is a metaphor in which there never was a link from the tenure to the vehicle to begin with. I am reminded of a few lines from the movie Chicken Run.

"Like a fish" doesn't have any obvious connection to being all quiet like. It's a dead metaphor.


Choices! Yay!

1. Find a dead metaphor used in every day life.


2. Come up with a metaphor replacement for the rodents' dead metaphor.

We were quiet as......
or a fish.

(Hey, that's another choice. Cool.)

Example: We were quiet as the calm before a storm.
We slipped in and out of there like a fish.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Implicit Metaphors

An Implicit Metaphor is where the likeness of the two objects is implied but not stated. Basically, it's a metaphor without an explanation.

I usually like to put explanations on my metaphors because it's a great tool for delivering an extra punch or to make a conceit metaphor understandable.

But there are every day expressions that use implicit metaphors. I find I use implicit metaphors without even thinking about it and they are usually made up on the spot without really thinking. This leads me to believe that implicit metaphors are also the more natural metaphors: the tenure and vehicle are very closely related and our minds naturally link them together in certain ways.

If I say "Zip your fly" it is an implicit metaphor because I have not specified what the vehicle "fly" stands for, and yet you will (hopefully) be able to figure it out with no further explanation.


Find examples of everyday usages of implicit metaphors or make one up.

The Bank has many branches.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Big happenings

This weekend I got engaged!

So, for the MDA, maybe a metaphor about love, romance, or couples?

It seems when love is involved in writing, the author usually either treats it with epic-sounding words and fantastic situations, endowing on it the height of human happiness, or he/she treats it like a joke, uses it for humor, etc. Sometimes they do both.

I found this site contains hillarious metaphors written by high school students about love. Though there is some discussion about whether these are actually metaphors or similes, they still made me smile and gave me a little inspiration for writing.


Write a metaphor about romance or love. It can either be epic or humorous, or both, or anything in between.

The two lovers were determined to stick with each other like white on rice.

Btw, thanks to JP and Aranel and an annonymous off-site comment poster (my younger brother) for the comments.

I get to go to a Twin's game tonight with my fiance. Yay!